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Article I; Article II, Section I; Article III; and Article XVII - shall never be amended. (Highlighted in Red)  







We, the members of Twin Peaks Community Church, in accordance with our recognition of the Bible as the sole authority and rule of faith and practice in the ministry of this congregation, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution and By-Laws as a guide to govern the work of this organization.







Section I.  Name


The name of this organization shall be Twin Peaks Community Church, a California nonprofit religious corporation with principal offices in Twin Peaks, California.


Section II.  Organizational Structure


This congregation, organized for exclusively religious purposes, shall be recognized as a locally autonomous, independent organization and shall not be governed by or affiliated with any organization outside of this local church.  The corporation itself shall have no members, within the meaning of Section 5056 of the California Nonprofit Corporation Law.  Any actions which would otherwise require approval by a majority of all members shall only require approval by the Board of Elders, and all rights which would otherwise vest in the members shall vest in the Board of Elders. Church membership shall refer only to those individuals associated with this organization as further described in Article IV and shall not connote corporate membership within the meaning of said Section 5056.







We believe and affirm the eternal doctrines of the Christian faith as described in the declaration of faith in the Articles of Incorporation and delineated more fully herein, to wit:


A.    That the Bible, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is the inerrant Word of God, uniquely and verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit, written without error in the original autographs, and the final authority in all matters on which it speaks;


B.    That there is one true God, eternally existing in three persons - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - equally perfect in deity;


C.    That Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary and conceived of the Holy Spirit, is the only begotten Son of God, eternally holy and sinless;


D.    That all men, though created in the image of God, are sinful and thus, apart from Christ and His salvation, alienated from their Creator  and under divine condemnation;


E.    That Jesus Christ died on the cross, atoning fully for man’s sin, and was bodily resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures;


F.     That the salvation of man is wholly the work of God’s grace - not the work or goodness of man in any part - imputed as righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone and His redemptive death and resurrection for their justification in God’s sight;


G.    That Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and that He will return premillennially to earth - personally, visibly, and bodily - to consummate history and the eternal plan of God;


H.    That the believer, upon physical death, enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship with the Lord, awaiting the resurrection of his body to everlasting glory;


I.     That the unbeliever, upon physical death, enters immediately into eternal, conscious separation from the Lord, awaiting the resurrection of his body to everlasting judgment and condemnation;


J.    That the Holy Spirit indwells all believers from the moment of salvation when they are joined to the body of Christ by baptism of the Spirit, who is a witness and seal of salvation to guide and empower each Christian in righteous and fruitful living by faith for the glory of God.


K.    That Satan, a created spirit being, fell as a result of pride and influenced a large company of angels to follow him, his work and that of his demons being the attempted subversion and supplanting of the work of God, for which Satan was judged at the cross and will ultimately be consigned to the lake of fire at the end of the millennium.







Section I.  Qualifications


A.    Any person, upon confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, as set forth in John 1:12, 3:16, Acts 16:31, and Romans 10:9-10, may be presented to the Board of Elders for examination and consideration as an eligible candidate for baptism and membership.  A person who has an inactive membership in another church may apply for regular membership at Twin Peaks Community Church without disavowing the inactive membership at the prior church.


B.     Any candidate approved for baptism and membership by the Board of Elders shall be recommended to the congregation for membership at any regular, open service at the church at any special congregation meeting, or at the Annual Meeting held in September each year, for acceptance by a majority vote of the members present and voting.


C.    Membership shall be recognized immediately upon congregational approval and scriptural baptism, whichever occurs last. Eligible candidates bringing a testimony of prior scriptural baptism may be accepted into membership upon approval by the congregation.


D.    Associate membership shall be available upon request to those retaining active membership in other evangelical churches but presently attending this church, such as missionaries, students and para-church staff. Associate members shall meet all qualifications provided in Article IV, Section I, Paragraphs A, B, and C, for regular members and shall have all privileges, duties and rights as regular members.  They shall be allowed to teach, hold staff positions, and intern, except they shall not be candidate for office or vote in congregational elections.


Section II.  Voting Privileges


All members of eighteen years of age or older shall be eligible to vote in all congregational meetings of the church and may be considered for service in the offices of Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess, subject to restrictions provided elsewhere herein.


Section III.  Removal


A.    Inactivity


The absence of a member from all meetings of this church for six months shall be considered as sufficient reason for an examination into the cause thereof; and if sufficient reason for such absence does not appear and the promise of amendment is not made, a presentation of the facts shall be made to the Board of Elders and said member shall automatically be dropped from the roll by consent of the Board.


B.    Resignation


Removal of membership shall be effected by delivery of written notification by resigning members to the Board of Elders, effective as of the date stipulated in the notification or immediately if not stipulated.


C.    Discipline


Members of this church who shall err in doctrine or conduct shall be subject to dismissal according to Matthew 18:15-18.  Before such dismissal, however, it shall be the duty of any other member of this church who has knowledge of the erring member’s heresy or misconduct to warn and correct such erring member in private.  If the erring member does not heed this warning, then the warning member shall again go to the erring member accompanied by one or two witnesses to warn and correct such erring member.  If the erring member still refuses to heed this warning, it shall be brought to the attention of the Elders, who shall tell it to the church. If the erring member then refuses to heed the warning and correction of the Elders and the church, he or she shall be publicly dismissed from the church. There shall be no appeal to any court from that decision.







Section I.  Constituency


The Official Board of this congregation shall consist of each and every Elder, of which the Pastor/Teacher shall be one.  The Board of Elders (the “Board”) shall serve as the Directors of the Corporation, consisting of no less than five members, according to the Articles of Incorporation, and it shall be the representative body of this congregation, responsible for the leadership of the church.  Should the number of Elders fall below the minimum of five by reason of incapacity, removal, or resignation, the remaining Elders shall continue as the Official Board until replacements can be found.  Efforts to find qualified and willing candidates, or evidence that such candidates cannot be found, shall be documented at least quarterly in the regular Elder Board Meeting minutes until the requisite vacancies have been file.


Section II.  Tenure


All Elders shall serve a two-year term of office, except that the initial term for any Elder except the Pastor/Teacher shall expire after one full year of service in that office:  Immediate renomination and confirmation according to Article VII, Section I for continued service shall constitute inception of a two-year term; lapse of tenure by removal or resignation, or tenure resulting from mid-term appointment to fill a vacancy, shall require a subsequent full-year initial term to be served before commencement of a two-year term can occur.


Section III.  Quorum and Action Without Meeting


A majority of the Elders currently serving shall constitute a quorum for all regular and special Board meetings, except that a quorum shall not consist of less than two-thirds of the Elders currently serving whenever the matter to be considered concerns calling or dismissing a Pastor or Elder, or buying or selling real estate.  Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Board may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board shall individually or collectively consent in writing to a duly prepared resolution to such action.  Such consent shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote of the Board and shall be documented by attaching the signed resolution with the minutes of the next regular Board meeting. 


Section IV.  Decisions of the Board of Elders


All decisions of the Board shall be reached by at least a three-quarters vote except as otherwise provided herein.


Section V.  Powers


A.     Legal representation


The Elders shall act as legal representatives of the church in all legal and judicial matters regarding the State of outside parties in connection with matters relating of the church.


B.      Financial administration


The Board is invested with all powers to conduct business transactions, enter into contracts, and disburse church funds in accordance with the purposes of this church, except for the restrictions as stipulated in Article V, Section III and Article XVI, Section I. Moreover, any Elder receiving compensation, directly or indirectly, from Twin Peaks Community Church shall not be in a position to determine the nature or amount of such compensation. The Board shall authorize signatories for drafts, checks, demands for money, notes of the Corporation, and written contracts of the Corporation as it shall from time to time designate by resolution.


Section V.  Powers 


C.      Appointments


The Board may appoint individuals to fill staff positions within the church as needed, enumerate the responsibilities and authority of such individuals where consistent with other provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, affix lawful fees and compensations for services performed and terminate said staff or staff positions in accordance with restrictions stipulated elsewhere in the Constitution and By-Laws. Elders may not receive stated or fixed salary for their services; however, this provision shall not be construed to preclude any Elders from serving the church in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefor.


D.    Resolution of disputes


The decision of the Board shall be final in regard to any doctrinal, policy, or moral disputes not otherwise herein delineated.  There shall be no appeal to any court from that decision.







Each member of the Board shall be an active male member of this church, eighteen years of age or older, and shall meet the scriptural qualifications described in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus:6-9; 


 1 If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.


6 is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. 7 For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, 8 but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.


A.       Above reproach (blameless as a steward of God);


B.       Husband of one wife (a one-woman man);


C.       Temperate (sober, vigilant);


D.       Prudent (sober-minded);


E.       Respectable (of good behavior, orderly);


F.        Hospitable;


G.       Able to teach (able to exhort believers and refute false teaching);


H.       Not addicted to wine;


I.         Not pugnacious (not violent);


J.         Gentle (patient, moderate, forbearing);


K.         Uncontentious (not a brawler, not soon angry or quick-tempered);


L.         Free from the love of money (not covetous or greedy of base gain);


M.       Ruling well his own house (having faithful children not accused of rebellion to God);


N.        Not a new convert (not a novice);


O.        Having a good reputation with those outside the church;


P.         Not self-willed;


Q.        Loving what is good (of men and things);


R.         Just (fair);


S.         Devout (holy);


T.         Self-controlled.


Section II.  Deacons


Each Deacon shall be an active male member of this church, eighteen years of age or older, and shall meet the scriptural qualifications described in I Timothy 3:8-12 and Acts 6:3, to wit, he shall be:


A.    Dignified (respectable);


B.    Not double-tongued (not hypocritical or deceitful);


C.    Not addicted to much wine (sober);


D.    Not fond of sordid gain (not greedy or unethical);


E.    Holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience (pure, steadfast);


F.     Tested and beyond reproach (proven in character);


G.    Husband of one wife (a one-woman man);


H.    A good manager of his children and household;


I.     Of good reputation;


J.     Full of the Spirit;


K.     Full of wisdom.


Section III.  Deaconesses


Each Deaconess shall be an active female member of this church, eighteen years of age or older, and shall meet the scriptural qualifications described in I Timothy 3:11; to wit, she shall be:


A.    Dignified (respectable);


B.     Not a malicious gossip (not a tale-bearer);


C.    Temperate (not given to excess or dissipation);


D.    Faithful in all things (true, dependable).







Section I.  Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses


Recommendations to fill the offices of Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess shall be requested of the congregation by the Board each year prior to the annual congregational meeting.  A Nominating Committee consisting of active church members shall be appointed by the Board according to Article XII, Section I.  This committee shall review all nominations and determine the qualifications of each nominee.  A proposed slate of nominees with any relevant comments shall then be submitted to the Board, which shall approve, disapprove, or add to nominations on the list.  The Secretary to the Board shall then post in alphabetical order the list of approved nominees at least fourteen days prior to the annual congregational meeting.


Section I.  Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses 


Nominees shall commence their term of office upon confirmation by at least two-thirds of members present and voting.  Deacons and Deaconesses shall serve for a term of one year.  Mid-term vacancies or additional leadership positions may be filled by appointment by the Board at any time during the year if said appointee is subsequently confirmed by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a special congregational meeting as described in Article XI, Section II, Paragraph B.  The term of office of these appointees shall expire at the next annual congregational meeting.


Section II.  Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Board Secretary, and Treasurer


The Board, at its first regular meeting after the annual congregational meeting, shall appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary to the Board, and Treasurer for terms of one year each. Terms of incumbent officers shall expire at this Board meeting unless termination of office is otherwise affected at the congregational meeting or by removal, resignation, incapacitation, or death.  The Secretary to the Board and the Treasurer need not be Elders nor officers of the Corporation.







Section I.  Resignation


The delivery of a written, signed resignation to the Board by one of its members, by a Deacon or Deaconess, or by the Treasurer or Secretary to the Board shall effect termination of said officeholder immediately or no later than the date stipulated in the written notice, thirty days’ notice being requested if applicable.


Section II.  Incapacitation


The Board may terminate any officeholder chronically impaired, mentally or physically, according to the determination by the remaining Board members that such impairment of said officeholder would preclude further fulfillment of the duties of his or her office.


Section III.  Disciplinary termination


No charge for dismissal against any Elder, Deacon, or deaconess shall be brought to or acted upon by the Board unless the steps outlined in Matthew 18:15-16 have been followed.  If personal contact cannot be made after repeated efforts, a charge may be brought only after notification of charges has been made by certified mail to the current recorded address of said individual against whom the charge is being made.  If the Board, after similar attempts at discipline, elicitation of repentance, and/or resolution of the facts, determines that rectification has not been made in reasonable time, it shall remove said individual by decision of the remaining Elders.







Section I.  Elders


A.    The Board members in general


1     They shall be the spiritual leaders, under the direction of the Pastor/Teacher, of the church.


2.    They shall give direction to, and review the functions and performances of, the Deacons, Deaconesses, and all other appointed or hired  church staff.


3.    They shall be responsible for the spiritual education of the church and shall oversee the curriculum used for education and training.


4.    They shall be responsible for all spiritual discipline within the church.


5.    They shall plan, prepare, and conduct all official services and meetings of the church as not otherwise outlined under the duties of the Pastor/Teacher in Article X, Section V, including the annual budget and reports given at the annual congregational meeting.


6.    They shall be responsible for administration of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper in cooperation with the Pastor/Teacher.


7.    They shall be responsible for all communication of the church to its membership, the community, and the State.


8.    They shall be custodians of all official and legal documents of the church, including the membership roll, as well as of all church property.


9.    They shall appoint, direct, review, and dissolve committees as necessary for gathering information and/or taking action on Board decisions.


10.    They shall interpret and enforce all provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws.


B.     Chairman of the Board


1.      He shall preside at all official Board and congregational meetings of the church.


2.      He shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.


3.      He shall be responsible to the Board and see that the decisions of the Board and of the congregation are carried out.


4.      He shall assume the responsibilities for leadership of the church services in the absence of the Pastor-Teacher.


C.    The Vice-Chairman of the Board.


1.     He shall perform all the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman, having all powers of the Chairman in his absence.


2.     He shall see that any new by-laws, amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, and  policies are incorporated into the appropriate permanent church records.


Section II.  Deacons


A.    They shall be responsible to the Board in assisting the Board and Pastor/Teacher in the service of the church, including ushering, conduction or ordinances, and the general spiritual care and shepherding of the flock.


B.    They shall be responsible for the repair and upkeep of the church buildings, facilities and grounds, including the custodial work of the church.


C.    They shall assist in meeting physical needs of the flock.


Section III.  Deaconesses


A.    They shall prepare the elements for the Lord’s Supper and assist the Pastor/Teacher in baptismal services as required.


B.    They shall assist in the care and comfort of the sick and needy.


C.    They shall be responsible for oversight of social events in the life of the church.


Section IV.  Secretary to the Board


A.    The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Board and congregational meetings, including in the minutes a roll of Elders and members in attendance and all decisions passed at these meetings.


B.    The Secretary shall conduct any correspondence requested by the Board.


C.    The Secretary shall file all reports, resolutions, and other church documents in a file approved by the Board and supervised by the Board Chairman.


Section V.  Treasurer


A.    The Treasurer shall keep an accurate, current record of all monies received and spent by the church as well as any receipts required by the Board.


B.    The Treasurer shall pay by check all bills authorized by the Board or Board-delegated individuals and signed in accordance with resolutions passed by the Board.


C.    The Treasurer shall give an accurate written report on a monthly basis to the Board of all monthly income to and expenses by the church, including the month-end financial position of the church.


D.    The Treasurer shall prepare for the annual congregational meeting an annual financial report in writing for the previous fiscal year of the church.


E.    The Treasurer shall send to each current church donor by January 31 of each year a record of that donor’s contributions for the previous calendar year.


F.    The Treasurer shall open church financial records, upon reasonable notification, for inspection or annual audit by anyone authorized by the Board.







Section I.  Qualifications


The qualifications for Pastor/Teacher shall be those listed for Elders in Article VI, Section I, and the Pastor/Teacher shall, upon his call by the church, automatically become a member of the congregation and of the Board.


Section II.  Selection


When it becomes necessary to call a Pastor/Teacher, the Board shall select from the general membership a Pulpit Committee consisting of at least three members - one of whom shall be an elder and whose Chairman shall be appointed by the Board - who are of good reputation and full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to undertake the task of locating and unanimously recommending to the Board a qualified candidate for its consideration.  Upon approval of said candidate by the Board, the candidate shall be presented to the church at an annual or special congregational meeting for confirmation by the flock.  A three-fourths majority vote of confirmation of members present and voting shall be required to call the candidate to the pastorate.


Section III.  Tenure


The Pastor/Teacher shall remain in office for an indefinite period of time subject to the restrictions in Article X, Section IV and shall be an Elder of the church through his tenure.  Should the tenure of the Pastor/Teacher come to an end, voluntarily or otherwise, for any reason, his membership on the Board of Elders shall also concurrently be concluded automatically.  He may then be considered as any other candidate for Elder according to Article VII, Section I.


Section IV.  Termination from Office


A.    Resignation


The Pastor/Teacher may resign his office at any time in writing to the Chairman of the Board, to be effective immediately or when requested, subject to other restrictions herein enumerated.


B.    Non-disciplinary removal


The Board, upon its decision - excepting the vote of the Pastor/Teacher - given at least one month in advance in writing to the  Pastor/Teacher, may dismiss the Pastor/Teacher.  Such dismissal is subject to a lesser time upon mutual agreement by the Board and the Pastor/Teacher. Membership in the church shall not automatically be terminated by such action except as provided in Article VIII,


Section II.    


C.     Disciplinary removal


If the Pastor/Teacher becomes subject to removal from the Board of Elders as described in Article VIII, Section III, he shall concurrently be terminated from the pastorate.


Section V.  Duties of the Pastor/Teacher


A.    He shall be responsible to the Board and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees appointed by the Board.


B.    He shall perform the duties of the Pastor/Teacher as taught in the New Testament, overseeing the general spiritual welfare of the  church and giving leadership to individual believers within the congregation by counsel, exhortation, encouragement, rebuke, and  example.


C.    He shall arrange for and/or conduct all public and regular services of the church, including weddings, funerals, and memorial services.


D.    He shall perform and/or direct baptisms and service of the Lord’s Supper.


Section VI.  Compensation


The Pastor/Teacher’s salary, vacation, and benefits shall be fixed by the Board of Elders at the time of his calling and may be changed only by action of the Board.







Section I.  The Board


A.    Regular meetings


The Board shall meet monthly to conduct matters of business or spiritual consideration.  This meeting may be closed or open to attendance of non-Elders at the discretion of the Elders and need not be announced to the membership at large.  Minutes of the proceedings. shall be recorded indicating location and date of meeting, attendance, and any motions introduced and passed by the Board.


B.     Special meetings


The Chairman of the Board, or the Vice-Chairman in his absence, may call a special meeting of the Board to conduct any normal business of the Board.  Notice of such meeting shall be made to each Elder if possible.  Minutes shall be taken as for the regular Board meeting.


Section II. The Congregation


A.    Annual congregational meeting


A regular annual congregational meeting of the church shall be held each September for the confirmation of nominated officers, presentation and approval of the annual church budget, and consideration of other affairs or business of the church as the Elders shall deem applicable to be brought before the membership.  Notice of the annual congregational meeting shall be made beginning at least fourteen days prior to the meeting by one or more of the following:  1) postmarked card or letter to all members on the current membership roll and eligible to vote; 2) verbal announcement from the pulpit for two consecutive Sundays prior to the date of the meeting; or 3) notice in the church bulletin for two consecutive Sundays prior to the date of the meeting.  The members present and voting at the meeting shall constitute a quorum.


B.    Special congregational meeting


Special meetings of the congregation may be called at any time by the Pastor/Teacher, Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Board, or a majority of the current Board.  Requirements for notification and establishment of a quorum shall be the same as stipulated for the annual congregational meeting in Article XI, Section II.







Section I.  Committees


A.    Nominating Committee


A Nominating Committee of no less than three members shall be appointed by the Board according to the selection process described in Article X, Section II to meet in July or August of each year to review nominees recommended for offices of Elder, Deacon, and Deaconesses by members of the church and to recommend other nominees as may be deemed qualified.  No committee member shall nominate himself for office.  Minutes of each committee meeting shall be recorded and delivered to the Secretary to the Board for presentation to the Elders.  The Nominating Committee shall be dissolved upon presentation of its list of nominees and comments to the Board by the end of August.


B.  Pulpit Committee


Upon the resignation, removal, incapacitation, or death of the Pastor/Teacher, the Board shall appoint a pulpit Committee of no less than three members according to the selection process described in Article X, Section II for the purpose of seeking a pastoral candidate for recommendation to the Board.  The Pulpit Committee, upon unanimous approval of a prospective candidate for the pastorate, shall present its recommendations to the Board with evidence of pastoral qualifications as may be required by the Board.  Minutes of each committee meeting shall be recorded and delivered to the Secretary for presentation to the Board.  Upon recommendation of a candidate, whether approved by the Board or otherwise, the Pulpit Committee shall automatically be dissolved.


C.  Budget Committee


A Budget Committee of no less than three members shall be appointed by the Board according to the selection process described in Article X, Section II to meet in July or August of each year to prepare a budget for the upcoming fiscal year of the church.  Upon presentation of a budget to the Board for approval, the Budget Committee shall be automatically dissolved.


Section II.   Societies


No organization or society shall be formed and considered an arm of the church before its sponsors have submitted their plans to the Board for approval, and all such organizations or societies may be dissolved by the Board at any time. No organization or society not affiliated with the church shall initially occupy or use church property without thirty days notice of approval by the Board, unless said restriction is waived by the Board.  All fundraising activities conducted on church property or in the name of the church or its approved affiliates shall be under the control and supervision of the Board.







Section I.  Licensing


The license, as recognized by the State, is issued by the Board and is given in recognition of a man’s call to that ministry.  Its aim is to allow a man to perform all of the ecclesiastical duties and functions of the church and indicates that he meets the qualifications of being a clergyman in the eyes of the State.  Licenses will be evaluated and issued at the discretion of the Board.


Section II.  Ordination


Ordination refers to the mutual recognition by the Board of a man’s call to the ministry, preparation as a shepherd, and qualifications to serve.  Ordination shall be conferred for life, so long as the man continues to manifest the qualifications of the office.







Section I.  Baptism


The church shall practice and teach baptism of believers by immersion.  All baptisms conducted in the church shall be performed only after review of the candidates by the Board of Elders or the Pastor/Teacher, and all baptisms are to be performed by individuals designated by the Board. Believer’s baptism undergone by members or candidates for membership by other modes in previous churches will be recognized with the burden being on the conscience of said member or candidate.


Section II.  The Lord’s Supper


The Lord’s Supper, or communion, shall be observed on a monthly basis in the church and shall be open to both current members and visiting non-member believers according to the conscience of each participant.  Additional observances of the Lord’s Supper may be instituted by the Board as deemed desirable.







Section I.  Weddings


Any wedding performed in the church shall be approved by the Board, and any individual other than the current Pastor/Teacher who conducts a wedding at the church shall first be approved by the Board.  Couples seeking to be married at the church must be Christians and eligible for Christian matrimony according to scriptural directives.  The Board may require couples to undergo a period of counseling with the Pastor/Teacher of the church prior to approval of the wedding and my make other stipulations which from time to time may be deemed appropriate.


Section II.  Funerals


Funerals and memorial services for deceased members or relatives, friends, or acquaintances of members may be conducted as appropriate.  The Board may establish guidelines and other procedures for such services at its discretion.







Section I.  Real estate transactions


The Board may from time to time purchase or sell real estate or church property or make improvements or additions to church property where such transaction does not exceed $10,000 in value.  Transactions of over $10,000 in value require the approval of the majority of members present and voting at the annual or a special congregational meeting as described in Article XI, Section II.


Section II.  Dissolution


Upon dissolution of this church, the Board shall cause the assets herein, after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, to be distributed, with or without liquidation, to other non-profit churches an/or Christian organizations with purposes and philosophy similar to those identified in Article III of this Constitution and By-Laws and in the Articles of Incorporation.






This Constitution and By-laws may be amended by decision of the Board with subsequent approval by two-thirds of the members present and voting in any annual or special congregational meeting as described in Article XI, Section II, except that the following portions - to wit: 


Article I; Article II, Section I; Article III; and Article XVII - shall never be amended. 


All properly adopted amendments shall be immediately in force unless otherwise provided, and documentation of duly introduced and passed amendments or repeal of articles shall be maintained in or with the minutes of the congregational meeting where such amendments or repeal of articles were made.  In addition, this Constitution and By-Laws shall be updated to reflect all such changes.






I, the undersigned, being the Secretary to the Board of Twin Peaks Community Church, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the Constitution and By-laws of Twin Peaks Community Church, as adopted by the Elders and members of Twin Peaks Community Church on June 13, 1993, and amended by the Elders and members of Twin Peaks Community Church on September 30, 2012.  The amendments made to the By-laws of Twin Peaks Community Church on September 30, 2012, were made in accordance with the prior Constitution requirements for such amendments and adoptions.


The foregoing By-laws and Constitution is the official governing document of Twin Peaks Community Church, superseding all previous rules, regulations, Constitution and By-laws in effect prior to September 30, 2012.  


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